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Chronic Inflammation: New Insights and Next Steps

By |2024-08-30T16:07:17-04:00August 30th, 2024|Categories: Inflammation|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

In a wide-ranging speech on Aug. 23, 2004, in Phoenix, Ariz., Robert F. Kennedy Jr., then an independent candidate for President of the United States, made several comments about chronic disease, a topic typically addressed by doctors and, less often, by public health officials.

“Chronic disease is an issue that affects all of us far more directly and urgently than any culture war issue, as well as all the other issues that we obsess over that are tearing apart our country,” Kennedy said. “This is the most important issue. Therefore, it has the potential to bring us together.”

Chronic Inflammation News Graphic

Mr. Kennedy highlighted several data points that we were able to verify to illustrate the severity of the issue, including:

  • The United States spends more on healthcare than any other country, nearly twice as much as Europe. (source)
  • Two-thirds (66 percent) of American adults and children suffer from chronic health issues. (source)
  • About 18 percent of American teens have fatty liver disease. (source)
  • Seventy-four percent of Americans are overweight or obese. (source)
  • Cancers among young adults have increased by 79 percent. (source)

We appreciate Mr. Kennedy for bringing attention to the immense impact chronic disease has on both the U.S. economy and the health of our children and adults. As a Tampa, Florida-based medical practice dedicated to functional medicine and integrative healthcare, we have long been committed to diagnosing and treating the root causes of illness. Mr. Kennedy’s message, which you can read in its entirety here, echoes what we and our colleagues have been advocating in our clinics for years.

Inflammation – The Common Factor in Most Cases of Chronic Disease

One word that was noticeably absent from Mr. Kennedy’s remarks was “inflammation,” which those of us who have dedicated our lives to the medically-supervised care and motivation of others know is at the root of most chronic health conditions.

Virtually all chronic disease can be traced to chronic inflammation, and most chronic inflammation can be traced to preventable causes, including the following: Continue reading…

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – Healing Your Frustrations!

Have you ever been told it’s all in your head? I mean, did you ever have the feeling that when you speak with your doctor, the look on his or her face is saying “you must be making this all up”? 

In my Tampa holistic and functional medicine practice, I regularly see patients who have many chronic symptoms. Symptoms that on the surface are seemingly unrelated and bizarrely appear to have no known cause. Many of these patients have been diagnosed as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or exhibit multiple symptoms in multiple systems of the body. It appears as if they have some type of autoimmune condition(s). Although, some have been diagnosed with a specific autoimmune condition, many elude diagnosis. The doctor often suggesting “let’s retest in a few months or a year, it looks autoimmune, but I don’t see anything in your labs yet”. 

Case Study 

A forty year old female administrator recently presented with complaints of memory loss, lack of motivation and anxiety, all brain based symptoms, ok that fits. She explained to me that she has low sex drive, stomach pain, rashes that come and go and is always tired. When, I let her continue to state her concerns, “I also have cramps in my legs and I wake up stiff, my joints hurt, and at times I find it difficult to breathe. I sleep well enough but wake up tired.” There was more! “I have tingling in my hands and I feel weak”. This is suddenly sounding way more complex! 

The patient went on to tell me about her  Continue reading…

The Hippo In Your Brain – Are you literally losing your mind?

I often ask patients the following question. Have you notice a decline in your memory or cognition over the last three to five years? Too often, regardless of age, the answer is flat out “yes” or a more unsure “I think so.” The next question is how are you sleeping?, which is inevitably followed by a resounding not well!

The Center for Disease Control (CDC), data indicates that 35 percent of Americans over the age of 18 are not receiving enough sleep. Twenty percent of senior citizens over the age of 65 are experiencing Mild Cognitive Impairment. As you will see in this article, Mild Cognitive Impairment is associated with sleep and cortisol function. Poor sleep at any age is a limiting factor for performance in all areas of life.   

Hippocampus, Sleep and Your Memory

If one area of the brain (mesial temporal lobe) starts to shrink, early cognitive decline may result. Each area of the brain provides a window into various disease states, some are more widely known to impact dementia. The mesial temporal lobe contains a number of important structures, one of those being the hippocampus. The hippocampus is responsible for short term memory, converting short term memory to long term memory. The hippocampus can degenerate in response to excessive cortisol secretion, head trauma, hypoxia (lack of oxygen), chronic infections, and long standing chronic stress.

The circadian rhythm or what is referred to as your biological clock helps you fall asleep, stay asleep and feel alert and energetic throughout the day.

Your sleep/wake cycle is regulated by the hormones cortisol and melatonin. A lifetime of stress, poor relationships, work related problems, financial troubles, poor eating, and exposure to toxins all cause disruptions in cortisol secretion. Years of working night shift or poor sleeping patterns are great ways to cause changes in melatonin and cortisol balance.

For years I have indicated to patients that one of the first signs that we are losing health is the loss of good sleep.

If you wake up at 3AM wondering what you are doing up, this is one warning sign that your cortisol balance is compromised and could be your first sign of hippocampal or brain degeneration.

A day does not go by that I see patients who are having trouble sleeping. Here are some of the common sleep related complaints:  Continue reading…