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Five Gastroenterologists And Not One Stool Test

I recently had a patient whom spent twenty years with chronic GI complaints, visiting greater than five gastrointestinal specialists. In that span of time, not one of the GI specialists ordered a stool test. I found that surprising and too common. The patient found it frustrating!

Can you imagine having a gut issue for over twenty years and no one thought to perform a stool test?

This particular patient had already been through a series of tests including endoscopy, colonoscopy and abdominal sonogram, due to abdominal pain, reflux symptoms and inconsistent bowels ranging from hard or dry stools to watery diarrhea. To be fair, the tests she  had were able to screen for a variety of conditions including celiac, h-pylori infection, gastritis, polyps, colon cancer, and esophagitis to name a few.

However, the patient was told there was no pathology (this basically means your not dying and we can’t find what’s wrong, so you must be ok). The patient was happy to hear she had no pathologies and unhappy with the proposed solution. She was offered  prescription Bentyl and after trying it for several months was unsatisfied with the results.

In my Tampa clinic I use a few different labs to test for GI problems. One such test is the  Continue reading…

Leaky Gut Symptoms and Treatment

By |2017-08-11T11:02:18-04:00August 11th, 2017|Categories: Autoimmune Diseases|Tags: |0 Comments

You’re not feeling well. Maybe you have digestive issues — gas, bloating, heartburn, or food sensitivities or intolerances. Or maybe your symptoms aren’t related to digestion — you have chronic sinus congestion, post nasal drip, or allergies; achy or stiff joints; fatigue; or swelling or inflammation in your arms, legs, or even your face.

Your doctor has done a careful physical examination, run a battery of lab tests, and maybe ordered x-rays and still can’t figure out what’s wrong. You’re taking medication to deal with the symptoms, but you still feel lousy.

Has your doctor considered the possibility of leaky gut syndrome (LGS)? If not, that’s a good place to start.

What is leaky gut syndrome?

Leaky gut syndrome (LGS) occurs when the intestinal tract becomes more permeable than it should be, allowing certain substances that should stay in the intestinal tract to pass through its walls. Think of the lining of your intestinal tract as a window screen that lets the air pass through but prevents flies and mosquitoes from getting inside. If you were to push a pencil into the holes in that screen to widen them, mosquitoes and other small insects could more easily pass through.

Your intestinal lining performs a similar screening function; it keeps certain substances inside the intestinal tract while allowing others, such as nutrients, to pass through it into the Continue reading…